White Rock - Construction Page 6

Final Construction Process

Project Completion

Here it is mid-August 2015 and, finally, we are looking at a certificate of occupancy. We'll be recieving a delivery of new furniture (bed, chairs, couches, etc) on Monday, 24 August and hopefully, we hope to have our household effects delivered the same week.

The pool is in and operating and, after 30 big dump truck loads of dirt, grading is complete. The driveway is in place as well as a walk to the front steps. We have much of the mulch in place and are ready for 12 pallets of sod and seeding with rye grass. This late in the season, we need to get something in the ground which will hold the soil. We'll plan to overseed with perenial grass in the spring. It would have been nice to sod the entire lot with zoysia, but this is yet another of the "nice to have" items. With all of the big live oaks and wax myrtles on the property, we're also holding off on shrubs and specimen trees until the spring.

Archie's crew and the subcontractors are finishing the minor, but important details which complete the process. We're getting another coat of epoxy paint covering all of the concrete floors on the 1st (ground) floor. This will dramatically reduce the normal, lifelong dustiness of typical, unsealed concrete floors. Dennis Willis applied another coat of varnish on the wood floors - on a Saturday! The painters have finished almost all the interior and will complete the exterior this week. Almost all of the cabinets are in with countertops in place. Kemp Guthrie and IC Granite did a wonderful job; we haven't seen the sapele island yet, but the soapstone and quartzite are fabulous.

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Copyright © EBRØS 2015